Sunday, January 30, 2011

You can say whatever you want

Say something that
will make my heart
beat faster..

Say something that will
make me want to cry..

Say anything just to stop
this silence between us..


i never thought that he could do such a thing to me.
he made me fall in love.
he made me smile and laugh.
but why...why does he keep making me cry?
is it all a joke to him?
am i just a toy to him?
i dont care anymore..
as long as i can be with him, that good enough for me..
he can do whatever he wants to me..
all i know is that i love him..and only him..
it may sound cliche, but i cannot do anything without him.
i want to hear his voice, over and over again..
i want to hear him call my name more..
arent i selfish?

Friday, January 28, 2011

stupid reasons to get upset!

Dearest Totoro,

i need to inhale alot, i mean ALOT of love,
and exhale penelty of hate!


today, i changed class to 3 Dimanik to 3 Cekal,
and guess what,
already first day and da kena denda da!!
damn Puan Rohana,
she asked me a question that i havent learnt yet,
to me it isnt fair that i got denda because of such things!
i just only masuk bab 2 and that %@?!* asked
a bab 7 question,
blur la i!!
but you know,
i shouldnt get upset with such things!
but, it just annoys the hell outta me to think that i'll be
meeting her every thursday & friday for
geography, plus, i now have to learn myself the
other bab the i was left out...

Taik kucing muka ko la Pn.Rohana!!
and thanks for teaching me...

Monday, January 24, 2011

what would you do in weird situations (1)

Situation A :-

Your walking back from school alone when you notice
three boys laughing behind you. when you glance behind,
they waved at you and call your name. you dont know them.
 you think to yourself,
how the hell do they know your name...
when you reach your block, you noticed that their still following you.
what would you do.....?

A- run all the way home.
B- pretend that you tying your shoelence
and let them walk pass you.
C- ask them "why the hell are you following me??!!".
D- walk the longer route to reach you house.

me: i think i would pick B. i did that once and it worked. i was just paranoid.. heh..

friend I: if the guys look scary then i would probably pick D, but if they still follow me,
then i would probably just run home!

friend II: C for me..i'm not afraid of some punks!

friend III: i think they'll know that we're running away from them if we picked A.
so, i'd probably pick B or D..C is just a death wish...

Situation B :-

Your followed your father to the supermarket.
the supermarket workers just finished mopping the floor.
you suddenly slipped and fell on the floor face first.
everyone's looking at you.
what would you do....?

A- get up and pretend nothing had happend and follow your father.
B- laugh loudly and say "is it wrong to give the floor a hug?!"
C- cry of humiliation and think "i want to die!"
D- get pissed and yell "what the fuck are you looking at!?
get outta my way you fools!"

me: oh mah gawd, i dont really know what i'll do, maybe A or B if i have the balls too..

friend I: gee, its simply..i would do A..and then i'd blush massively!

friend II: D! of course i'd pick D!! D all the way!

friend III: i think C....i'm a wuss so C is a prefect answer for me. dont laugh!

feel free to send me comments of what you would do..
in weird situations!
dont forget to press the
follow/comment button..
♥         ♥        

Saturday, January 22, 2011

the sun shines down at angels.

Dearest Totoro,

i needed him more then i thought..just kidding!! xD


aly-chan's here!!
today was a saturday and it was a school day..
boo hoo...
i skipped tuition cause i was so tired..
but now i kinda regret it..
i'm going to give you a sneak preview of my new book,
"distance towards you heart"

heehehe, xder kerja mcm nie laa..


~ D i s t a n c e s
t o w a r d s
y o u r
h e a r t ~

There was this sharp pain which i felt in my heart when
Satoshi-kun said that to me. I dont actually understand
every single thing he said.
But the one thing that was quite clear is that Itsuki-kun
did all of that for my sake and i acted so cruel towards him.
I was so stupid.
"Mizumi, are you listening to me?"
"ah! sorry.. i was in my own world again,
what did you say just now, Miku?"
"i said, arent you going to Itsuki's birthday party tomorrow?"
Yeah, i forgot about that..what should i do now? i can't just go
to his birthday party and act like everything's okay,
cause nothing is okay now..
"i'm not sure yet. i do have to work my part-time job tomorrow, remember?"
i said. "oh, but, Itsuki-kun was really exicited when i said that
you were coming."
Exicited? thats kinda funny, maybe now he hates me..who knows right?
"Mizumi!" Miku yelled. "yes!"
"listen to me when i'm talking..gee..its like i'm talking to myself ya'know.."
"i'm sorry, Miku..its just that, everything is kinda complex right now.."
"about you and Itsuki-kun right?"
"ehh?? you know about that?"
"Mio told me..Satoshi too.."
of course..Mio can never keep a secret that relates boys..
and satoshi already is a chatter box, i'm not surpised.
"oh! Itsuki-kun," i heard Miku say. i looked up and there he was,
Kyoue Itsuki..

Friday, January 21, 2011

hey you!

Dearest Totoro,
do such things as miracles exists?


hey ho!

i'm very happy today!!
thanks a bunch to my new followers!
love ya!
i think thats all i have to say now..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

memories of the past



dearest Totoro,
i think my heart cant take anymore of this sadness.


i miss those days where we go to the toilet together.
i miss those days where we ask the teacher weird questions.
i miss those times where i look behind to see their blurr faces.
i miss all of them..
and i would probably go back in time to live
that year again..
i'll go back to the shame.
back to the tears.
back to the laughter.
back to the blushes.
back to the peacefulness.
back to learning.
back to the homework.
back to the sorrows.
back to spying at the handsome seniors.
back to laughing our ass out.
back to telling ghost stories.
back to playing "bola tampar".
back to being silly lilies.
back to the friendship war.
back to bringing my phone to life.
back to the smiles.
back to those school girl days :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the regrets of not saying those 3 words..

Dearest Totoro,

its finally time for me to fly :)


i saw him again today.
his smile, as shining as ever.
he made me want to cry.

i told them and myself that i dont like him anyone.
his a stranger.
i'm just a passing shadow.
what can we have in common?

i called out his name today.
and like always, i looked away.
i looked away..
i fucking looked away!!!

can you blame me??


good luck my friends! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dear Totoro,

i feel happy when i'm with them..
but i feel happier when i'm alone..


Thursday, January 13, 2011


Dearest Totoro,

i dont know whats right and whats wrong anymore.


guess what my dearest mummy got for me..

and, i named my D**** totoro as well,,

love you my dear toto-tan!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

streaming notes of the fireflies

been a while since i updated my bloggy..
i missed writing while hear my own music

school as been okay so far..
the only time where i feel happy is because i get to see my dearest friends
other then that,
life is as good as it going to get for me...
by the way,
i seriously hate my class,
i miss 2 Dinamik 2010!
there was where the fun was,
well, i dont really hate the class,
i just dislike some selfish fu*kers

after this i have tuition class..
none stop studying,
studying can give some people massive headaches!

Monday - Friday
school starts at 7.20am ends at 1.10 if i'm not mistaken

Saturday - Sunday
tuition starts at 4.30pm - 8.00pm
for sunday it starts at 11.30am ends at 2.30pm..

i'm packed everyday!!!
but if its for the best, then i shouldnt complain..
i will do my best to get the best resualts for PMR this year..

wish me the best

Monday, January 3, 2011

first post of the year 2011 :)

happy new years guys!
sorry i couldnt post earlier, was busy getting ready for school and stuff,,
speacking of school,
today was the first day of school!
it was okay, but the person sitting next to me was so
fuckin annoying!
i actually wanted to sit with sarah, but her friend kacau jew!!
damn it,
i think i wont last very long if that girl wont shut the hell up!
(complaining on the first day already, ==")

in other words~
the pic on top is the title of my new book,
"Distances Towards Your Heart"
i dont know why, but i really
like that title~


peace baby!
imma outta here!